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tapCount — Property, class starling.events.Touch
The number of taps the finger made in a short amount of time.
target — Property, class starling.animation.Tween
The target object that is animated.
target — Property, class starling.events.Event
The object that dispatched the event.
target — Property, class starling.events.Touch
The display object at which the touch occurred.
TEAL — Constant Static Property, class starling.utils.Color
TEXCOORD_OFFSET — Constant Static Property, class starling.utils.VertexData
The offset of texture coordinates (u, v) within a vertex.
texCoordsAtID — Property, class starling.filters.FragmentFilter
The ID of the vertex buffer attribute that stores the texture coordinates.
text — Property, class starling.display.Button
The text that is displayed on the button.
text — Property, class starling.text.TextField
The displayed text.
textBounds — Property, class starling.display.Button
The bounds of the textfield on the button.
textBounds — Property, class starling.text.TextField
Returns the bounds of the text within the text field.
TextField — class, package starling.text
A TextField displays text, either using standard true type fonts or custom bitmap fonts.
TextField(width:int, height:int, text:String, fontName:String, fontSize:Number, color:uint, bold:Boolean) — Constructor, class starling.text.TextField
Create a new text field with the given properties.
TextFieldAutoSize — class, package starling.text
This class is an enumeration of constant values used in setting the autoSize property of the TextField class.
textHAlign — Property, class starling.display.Button
The horizontal alignment of the text on the button.
texture — Property, class starling.display.Image
The texture that is displayed on the quad.
texture — Property, class starling.display.QuadBatch
The texture that is used for rendering, or null for pure quads.
texture — Property, class starling.text.BitmapChar
The texture of the character.
texture — Property, class starling.textures.TextureAtlas
The base texture that makes up the atlas.
Texture — class, package starling.textures
A texture stores the information that represents an image.
TextureAtlas — class, package starling.textures
A texture atlas is a collection of many smaller textures in one big image.
TextureAtlas(texture:starling.textures:Texture, atlasXml:XML) — Constructor, class starling.textures.TextureAtlas
Create a texture atlas from a texture by parsing the regions from an XML file.
TextureOptions — class, package starling.textures
The TextureOptions class specifies options for loading textures with the 'Texture.fromData' method.
TextureOptions(scale:Number, mipMapping:Boolean, format:String, repeat:Boolean) — Constructor, class starling.textures.TextureOptions
TextureSmoothing — class, package starling.textures
A class that provides constant values for the possible smoothing algorithms of a texture.
texturesRestored — Event, class starling.utils.AssetManager
Dispatched when all textures have been restored after a context loss.
TEXTURES_RESTORED — Constant Static Property, class starling.events.Event
Event type that is dispatched by the AssetManager after a context loss.
textVAlign — Property, class starling.display.Button
The vertical alignment of the text on the button.
timestamp — Property, class starling.events.Touch
The moment the touch occurred (in seconds since application start).
timestamp — Property, class starling.events.TouchEvent
The time the event occurred (in seconds since application launch).
tint(color:uint, amount:Number) — method, class starling.filters.ColorMatrixFilter
Tints the image in a certain color, analog to what can be done in Flash Pro.
tinted — Property, class starling.display.Quad
Returns true if the quad (or any of its vertices) is non-white or non-opaque.
tinted — Property, class starling.display.QuadBatch
Indicates if any vertices have a non-white color or are not fully opaque.
tinted — Property, class starling.utils.VertexData
Indicates if any vertices have a non-white color or are not fully opaque.
TOP — Constant Static Property, class starling.utils.VAlign
Top alignment.
toString() — method, class starling.events.Event
Returns a description of the event, containing type and bubble information.
toString() — method, class starling.events.Touch
Returns a description of the object.
toString() — method, class starling.utils.VertexData
Creates a string that contains the values of all included vertices.
totalTime — Property, class starling.animation.DelayedCall
The time for which calls will be delayed (in seconds).
totalTime — Property, class starling.animation.Tween
The total time the tween will take per repetition (in seconds).
totalTime — Property, class starling.display.MovieClip
The total duration of the clip in seconds.
touch — Event, class starling.display.DisplayObject
Dispatched when an object is touched.
Touch — class, package starling.events
A Touch object contains information about the presence or movement of a finger or the mouse on the screen.
Touch(id:int) — Constructor, class starling.events.Touch
Creates a new Touch object.
TOUCH — Constant Static Property, class starling.events.TouchEvent
Event type for touch or mouse input.
touchable — Property, class starling.display.DisplayObject
Indicates if this object (and its children) will receive touch events.
touches — Property, class starling.events.TouchEvent
All touches that are currently available.
TouchEvent — class, package starling.events
A TouchEvent is triggered either by touch or mouse input.
TouchEvent(type:String, touches:Vector$starling.events:Touch, shiftKey:Boolean, ctrlKey:Boolean, bubbles:Boolean) — Constructor, class starling.events.TouchEvent
Creates a new TouchEvent instance.
touchGroup — Property, class starling.display.DisplayObjectContainer
If a container is a 'touchGroup', it will act as a single touchable object.
TouchPhase — final class, package starling.events
A class that provides constant values for the phases of a touch object.
touchProcessor — Property, class starling.core.Starling
The TouchProcessor is passed all mouse and touch input and is responsible for dispatching TouchEvents to the Starling display tree.
TouchProcessor — class, package starling.events
The TouchProcessor is used to convert mouse and touch events of the conventional Flash stage to Starling's TouchEvents.
TouchProcessor(stage:starling.display:Stage) — Constructor, class starling.events.TouchProcessor
Creates a new TouchProcessor that will dispatch events to the given stage.
transformationMatrix — Property, class starling.display.DisplayObject
The transformation matrix of the object relative to its parent.
transformationMatrix — Property, class starling.textures.SubTexture
The matrix that is used to transform the texture coordinates into the coordinate space of the parent texture (used internally by the "adjust..."-methods).
transformCoords(matrix:flash.geom:Matrix, x:Number, y:Number, resultPoint:flash.geom:Point) — Package Function, starling.utils
Uses a matrix to transform 2D coordinates into a different space.
transformCoords(matrix:flash.geom:Matrix, x:Number, y:Number, resultPoint:flash.geom:Point) — Static Method , class starling.utils.MatrixUtil
Uses a matrix to transform 2D coordinates into a different space.
transformData(data:flash.utils:ByteArray, url:String) — method, class starling.utils.AssetManager
This method is called when raw byte data has been loaded from an URL or a file.
transformMatrix(object:starling.display:DisplayObject) — method, class starling.core.RenderSupport
Prepends translation, scale and rotation of an object to the modelview matrix.
transformMatrixForObject(matrix:flash.geom:Matrix, object:starling.display:DisplayObject) — Static Method , class starling.core.RenderSupport
Prepends translation, scale and rotation of an object to a custom matrix.
transformQuad(quadID:int, matrix:flash.geom:Matrix) — method, class starling.display.QuadBatch
Transforms the vertices of a certain quad by the given matrix.
transformVertex(vertexID:int, matrix:flash.geom:Matrix, numVertices:int) — method, class starling.utils.VertexData
Transforms the position of subsequent vertices by multiplication with a transformation matrix.
transition — Property, class starling.animation.Tween
The transition method used for the animation.
transitionFunc — Property, class starling.animation.Tween
The actual transition function used for the animation.
Transitions — class, package starling.animation
The Transitions class contains static methods that define easing functions.
translateMatrix(dx:Number, dy:Number) — method, class starling.core.RenderSupport
Prepends a translation to the modelview matrix.
translateVertex(vertexID:int, deltaX:Number, deltaY:Number) — method, class starling.utils.VertexData
Translate the position of a vertex by a certain offset.
triggered — Event, class starling.display.Button
Dispatched when the user triggers the button.
TRIGGERED — Constant Static Property, class starling.events.Event
Event type for a triggered button.
TRILINEAR — Constant Static Property, class starling.textures.TextureSmoothing
Trilinear filtering.
tween(target:Object, time:Number, properties:Object) — method, class starling.animation.Juggler
Utilizes a tween to animate the target object over time seconds.
Tween — class, package starling.animation
A Tween animates numeric properties of objects.
Tween(target:Object, time:Number, transition:Object) — Constructor, class starling.animation.Tween
Creates a tween with a target, duration (in seconds) and a transition function.
type — Property, class starling.events.Event
A string that identifies the event.
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