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makeCurrent() — method, class starling.core.Starling |
| Make this Starling instance the current one. |
mapPoint — Property, class starling.filters.DisplacementMapFilter |
| A value that contains the offset of the upper-left corner of the target display
object from the upper-left corner of the map image. |
mapTexture — Property, class starling.filters.DisplacementMapFilter |
| The texture that will be used to calculate displacement. |
marginX — Property, class starling.filters.FragmentFilter |
| The x-margin will extend the size of the filter texture along the x-axis. |
marginY — Property, class starling.filters.FragmentFilter |
| The y-margin will extend the size of the filter texture along the y-axis. |
MAROON — Constant Static Property, class starling.utils.Color |
| |
matrix — Property, class starling.filters.ColorMatrixFilter |
| A vector of 20 items arranged as a 4x5 matrix. |
MatrixUtil — class, package starling.utils |
| A utility class containing methods related to the Matrix class. |
MAX_NUM_QUADS — Constant Static Property, class starling.display.QuadBatch |
| The maximum number of quads that can be displayed by one QuadBatch. |
mCurrentTouches — Property, class starling.events.TouchProcessor |
| The list of all currently active touches. |
MINI — Constant Static Property, class starling.text.BitmapFont |
| The font name of the embedded minimal bitmap font. |
mipMapping — Property, class starling.textures.ConcreteTexture |
| Indicates if the texture contains mip maps. |
mipMapping — Property, class starling.textures.SubTexture |
| Indicates if the texture contains mip maps. |
mipMapping — Property, class starling.textures.Texture |
| Indicates if the texture contains mip maps. |
mipMapping — Property, class starling.textures.TextureOptions |
| Indicates if the texture contains mip maps. |
MissingContextError — class, package starling.errors |
| A MissingContextError is thrown when a Context3D object is required but not (yet)
available. |
MissingContextError(message:any, id:any) — Constructor, class starling.errors.MissingContextError |
| Creates a new MissingContextError object. |
mode — Property, class starling.filters.FragmentFilter |
| The filter mode, which is one of the constants defined in the "FragmentFilterMode"
class. |
modelViewMatrix — Property, class starling.core.RenderSupport |
| Returns the current modelview matrix. |
MOVED — Constant Static Property, class starling.events.TouchPhase |
| The finger moves around on the screen, or the mouse is moved while the button is
pressed. |
moveTo(x:Number, y:Number) — method, class starling.animation.Tween |
| Animates the 'x' and 'y' properties of an object simultaneously. |
MovieClip — class, package starling.display |
| A MovieClip is a simple way to display an animation depicted by a list of textures. |
MovieClip(textures:Vector$starling.textures:Texture, fps:Number) — Constructor, class starling.display.MovieClip |
| Creates a movie clip from the provided textures and with the specified default framerate. |
mQueue — Property, class starling.events.TouchProcessor |
| A vector of arrays with the arguments that were passed to the "enqueue"
method (the oldest being at the end of the vector). |
MULTIPLY — Constant Static Property, class starling.display.BlendMode |
| Multiplies the values of the display object colors with the the background color. |
multitapDistance — Property, class starling.events.TouchProcessor |
| The distance (in points) describing how close two touches must be to each other to
be recognized as a multitap gesture. |
multitapTime — Property, class starling.events.TouchProcessor |
| The time period (in seconds) in which two touches must occur to be recognized as
a multitap gesture. |
multitouchEnabled — Static Property, class starling.core.Starling |
| Indicates if multitouch input should be supported. |
muted — Property, class starling.display.MovieClip |
| If enabled, no new sounds will be started during playback. |
mVertexData — Property, class starling.display.Quad |
| The raw vertex data of the quad. |
mVertexData — Property, class starling.display.QuadBatch |
| The raw vertex data of the quad. |
mvpConstantID — Property, class starling.filters.FragmentFilter |
| The ID of the first register of the modelview-projection constant (a 4x4 matrix). |
mvpMatrix — Property, class starling.core.RenderSupport |
| Calculates the product of modelview and projection matrix. |
mvpMatrix3D — Property, class starling.core.RenderSupport |
| Calculates the product of modelview and projection matrix and saves it in a 3D matrix. |
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