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data — Property, class starling.events.Event |
| Arbitrary data that is attached to the event. |
data — Property, class starling.textures.AtfData |
| |
deactivate(pass:int, context:flash.display3D:Context3D, texture:starling.textures:Texture) — method, class starling.filters.FragmentFilter |
| This method is called directly after 'context.drawTriangles'. |
defaultTextureFormat — Static Property, class starling.text.TextField |
| The Context3D texture format that is used for rendering of all TrueType texts. |
deg2rad(deg:Number) — Package Function, starling.utils |
| Converts an angle from degrees into radians. |
delay — Property, class starling.animation.Tween |
| The delay before the tween is started (in seconds). |
delayCall(call:Function, delay:Number, ... rest) — method, class starling.animation.Juggler |
| Delays the execution of a function until delay seconds have passed. |
DelayedCall — class, package starling.animation |
| A DelayedCall allows you to execute a method after a certain time has passed. |
DelayedCall(call:Function, delay:Number, args:Array) — Constructor, class starling.animation.DelayedCall |
| Creates a delayed call. |
deleteProgram(name:String) — method, class starling.core.Starling |
| Deletes the vertex- and fragment-programs of a certain name. |
dispatchEvent(event:starling.events:Event) — method, class starling.display.DisplayObject |
| |
dispatchEvent(event:starling.events:Event) — method, class starling.events.EventDispatcher |
| Dispatches an event to all objects that have registered listeners for its type. |
dispatchEventWith(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, data:Object) — method, class starling.events.EventDispatcher |
| Dispatches an event with the given parameters to all objects that have registered
listeners for the given type. |
DisplacementMapFilter — class, package starling.filters |
| The DisplacementMapFilter class uses the pixel values from the specified texture (called
the displacement map) to perform a displacement of an object. |
DisplacementMapFilter(mapTexture:starling.textures:Texture, mapPoint:flash.geom:Point, componentX:uint, componentY:uint, scaleX:Number, scaleY:Number, repeat:Boolean) — Constructor, class starling.filters.DisplacementMapFilter |
| Creates a new displacement map filter that uses the provided map texture. |
DisplayObject — class, package starling.display |
The DisplayObject class is the base class for all objects that are rendered on the
screen. |
DisplayObjectContainer — class, package starling.display |
A DisplayObjectContainer represents a collection of display objects. |
dispose() — method, class starling.core.RenderSupport |
| Disposes all quad batches. |
dispose() — method, class starling.core.Starling |
| Disposes all children of the stage and the render context; removes all registered
event listeners. |
dispose() — method, class starling.display.Button |
| Disposes the resources of all children. |
dispose() — method, class starling.display.DisplayObject |
| Disposes all resources of the display object. |
dispose() — method, class starling.display.DisplayObjectContainer |
| Disposes the resources of all children. |
dispose() — method, class starling.display.QuadBatch |
| Disposes vertex- and index-buffer. |
dispose() — method, class starling.display.Sprite |
| Disposes the resources of all children. |
dispose() — method, class starling.events.TouchProcessor |
| Removes all event handlers on the stage and releases any acquired resources. |
dispose() — method, class starling.filters.DisplacementMapFilter |
| Disposes the filter (programs, buffers, textures). |
dispose() — method, class starling.filters.FragmentFilter |
| Disposes the filter (programs, buffers, textures). |
dispose() — method, class starling.text.BitmapFont |
| Disposes the texture of the bitmap font! |
dispose() — method, class starling.text.TextField |
| Disposes the underlying texture data. |
dispose() — method, class starling.textures.ConcreteTexture |
| Disposes the TextureBase object. |
dispose() — method, class starling.textures.RenderTexture |
| Disposes the parent texture if this texture owns it. |
dispose() — method, class starling.textures.SubTexture |
| Disposes the parent texture if this texture owns it. |
dispose() — method, class starling.textures.Texture |
| Disposes the underlying texture data. |
dispose() — method, class starling.textures.TextureAtlas |
| Disposes the atlas texture. |
dispose() — method, class starling.utils.AssetManager |
| Disposes all contained textures. |
downState — Property, class starling.display.Button |
| The texture that is displayed while the button is touched. |
draw(object:starling.display:DisplayObject, matrix:flash.geom:Matrix, alpha:Number, antiAliasing:int) — method, class starling.textures.RenderTexture |
| Draws an object into the texture. |
drawBundled(drawingBlock:Function, antiAliasing:int) — method, class starling.textures.RenderTexture |
| Bundles several calls to draw together in a block. |
drawCount — Property, class starling.core.RenderSupport |
| Indicates the number of stage3D draw calls. |
drawToBitmapData(destination:flash.display:BitmapData, transparent:Boolean) — method, class starling.display.Stage |
| Draws the complete stage into a BitmapData object. |
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