A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
scale — Property, class starling.display.DisplayObject |
| Sets both 'scaleX' and 'scaleY' to the same value. |
scale — Property, class starling.textures.ConcreteTexture |
| The scale factor, which influences width and height properties. |
scale — Property, class starling.textures.SubTexture |
| The scale factor, which influences width and height properties. |
scale — Property, class starling.textures.Texture |
| The scale factor, which influences width and height properties. |
scale — Property, class starling.textures.TextureOptions |
| The scale factor, which influences width and height properties. |
scale9Grid — Property, class starling.display.Button |
| The current scaling grid used for the button's state image. |
scale9Grid — Property, class starling.display.Image |
| The current scaling grid that is in effect. |
scaleAlphas(attrName:String, factor:Number, vertexID:int, numVertices:int) — method, class starling.rendering.VertexData |
| Multiplies the alpha values of subsequent vertices by a certain factor. |
scaleFactor — Property, class starling.utils.AssetManager |
| Textures that are created from Bitmaps or ATF files will have the scale factor
assigned here. |
ScaleMode — class, package starling.utils |
| A class that provides constant values for the 'RectangleUtil.fit' method. |
scaleTo(factor:Number) — method, class starling.animation.Tween |
| Animates the 'scaleX' and 'scaleY' properties of an object simultaneously. |
scaleWhenDown — Property, class starling.display.Button |
| The scale factor of the button on touch. |
scaleWhenOver — Property, class starling.display.Button |
| The scale factor of the button while the mouse cursor hovers over it. |
scaleX — Property, class starling.display.DisplayObject |
| The horizontal scale factor. |
scaleX — Property, class starling.display.Sprite3D |
| The horizontal scale factor. |
scaleX — Property, class starling.filters.DisplacementMapFilter |
| The multiplier used to scale the x displacement result from the map calculation. |
scaleY — Property, class starling.display.DisplayObject |
| The vertical scale factor. |
scaleY — Property, class starling.display.Sprite3D |
| The vertical scale factor. |
scaleY — Property, class starling.filters.DisplacementMapFilter |
| The multiplier used to scale the y displacement result from the map calculation. |
scaleZ — Property, class starling.display.Sprite3D |
| The depth scale factor. |
SCREEN — Constant Static Property, class starling.display.BlendMode |
| Multiplies the complement (inverse) of the display object color with the complement of
the background color, resulting in a bleaching effect. |
SCROLL — Constant Static Property, class starling.events.Event |
| An event type to be utilized in custom events. |
securityError — Event, class starling.utils.AssetManager |
| Dispatched when an URLLoader fails with a SECURITY_ERROR while processing the queue. |
SECURITY_ERROR — Constant Static Property, class starling.events.Event |
| Event type that is dispatched by the AssetManager when a file/url cannot be loaded. |
SELECT — Constant Static Property, class starling.events.Event |
| An event type to be utilized in custom events. |
setAlpha(vertexID:int, attrName:String, alpha:Number) — method, class starling.rendering.VertexData |
| Writes the given alpha value to the specified vertex and attribute (range 0-1). |
setAlphaAt(layerID:int, alpha:Number) — method, class starling.filters.CompositeFilter |
| Adjusts the alpha value with which the layer is drawn. |
setChildIndex(child:starling.display:DisplayObject, index:int) — method, class starling.display.DisplayObjectContainer |
| Moves a child to a certain index. |
setColor(vertexID:int, attrName:String, color:uint) — method, class starling.rendering.VertexData |
| Writes the RGB color to the specified vertex and attribute (alpha is not changed). |
setColorAt(layerID:int, color:uint, replace:Boolean) — method, class starling.filters.CompositeFilter |
| Adjusts the RGB color with which a layer is tinted when it is being drawn. |
setDataUploaded() — method, class starling.textures.ConcreteTexture |
| Notifies the instance that the base texture may now be used for rendering. |
setFloat(vertexID:int, attrName:String, value:Number) — method, class starling.rendering.VertexData |
| Writes a float value to the specified vertex and attribute. |
setFrameAction(frameID:int, action:Function) — method, class starling.display.MovieClip |
| Sets an action that will be executed whenever a certain frame is reached. |
setFrameDuration(frameID:int, duration:Number) — method, class starling.display.MovieClip |
| Sets the duration of a certain frame (in seconds). |
setFrameSound(frameID:int, sound:flash.media:Sound) — method, class starling.display.MovieClip |
| Sets the sound of a certain frame. |
setFrameTexture(frameID:int, texture:starling.textures:Texture) — method, class starling.display.MovieClip |
| Sets the texture of a certain frame. |
setIndex(indexID:int, index:uint) — method, class starling.rendering.IndexData |
| Sets an index at the specified position. |
setIndexDataChanged() — method, class starling.display.Mesh |
| This method is called whenever the mesh's index data was changed. |
setIndexDataChanged() — method, class starling.display.MeshBatch |
| This method must be called whenever the mesh's index data was changed. |
setIndexDataChanged() — method, class starling.styles.MeshStyle |
| Call this method when the index data changed. |
setModelviewMatricesToIdentity() — method, class starling.rendering.RenderState |
| Changes the modelview matrices (2D and, if available, 3D) to identity matrices. |
setOffsetAt(layerID:int, x:Number, y:Number) — method, class starling.filters.CompositeFilter |
| Indicates the position (in points) at which a certain layer will be drawn. |
setPoint(vertexID:int, attrName:String, x:Number, y:Number) — method, class starling.rendering.VertexData |
| Writes the given coordinates to the specified vertex and attribute. |
setPoint3D(vertexID:int, attrName:String, x:Number, y:Number, z:Number) — method, class starling.rendering.VertexData |
| Writes the given coordinates to the specified vertex and attribute. |
setPoint4D(vertexID:int, attrName:String, x:Number, y:Number, z:Number, w:Number) — method, class starling.rendering.VertexData |
| Writes the given coordinates to the specified vertex and attribute. |
setPremultipliedAlpha(value:Boolean, updateData:Boolean) — method, class starling.rendering.VertexData |
| Changes the way alpha and color values are stored. |
setProjectionMatrix(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number, stageWidth:Number, stageHeight:Number, cameraPos:flash.geom:Vector3D) — method, class starling.rendering.RenderState |
| Creates a perspective projection matrix suitable for 2D and 3D rendering. |
setProjectionMatrixChanged() — method, class starling.rendering.RenderState |
| This method needs to be called whenever projectionMatrix3D was changed
other than via setProjectionMatrix. |
setRenderTarget(target:starling.textures:Texture, enableDepthAndStencil:Boolean, antiAlias:int) — method, class starling.rendering.RenderState |
| Changes the the current render target. |
setRequiresRecomposition() — method, class starling.text.TextField |
| Forces the text to be recomposed before rendering it in the upcoming frame. |
setRequiresRedraw() — method, class starling.core.Starling |
| Makes sure that the next frame is actually rendered. |
setRequiresRedraw() — method, class starling.display.DisplayObject |
| Forces the object to be redrawn in the next frame. |
setRequiresRedraw() — method, class starling.filters.FragmentFilter |
| Call this method when any of the filter's properties changes. |
setRequiresRedraw() — method, class starling.styles.MeshStyle |
| Call this method if the target needs to be redrawn. |
setSamplerStateAt(sampler:int, mipMapping:Boolean, smoothing:String, repeat:Boolean) — Static Method , class starling.utils.RenderUtil |
| Calls setSamplerStateAt at the current context,
converting the given parameters to their low level counterparts. |
setStateTo(transformationMatrix:flash.geom:Matrix, alphaFactor:Number, blendMode:String) — method, class starling.rendering.Painter |
| Modifies the current state with a transformation matrix, alpha factor, and blend mode. |
setStyle(meshStyle:starling.styles:MeshStyle, mergeWithPredecessor:Boolean) — method, class starling.display.Mesh |
| Sets the style that is used to render the mesh. |
setStyle(meshStyle:starling.styles:MeshStyle, mergeWithPredecessor:Boolean) — method, class starling.display.MeshBatch |
| Sets the style that is used to render the mesh. |
setTexCoords(vertexID:int, u:Number, v:Number) — method, class starling.display.Mesh |
| Sets the texture coordinates of the vertex at the specified index to the given values. |
setTexCoords(vertexID:int, u:Number, v:Number) — method, class starling.styles.MeshStyle |
| Sets the texture coordinates of the vertex at the specified index to the given values. |
setTexCoords(vertexData:starling.rendering:VertexData, vertexID:int, attrName:String, u:Number, v:Number) — method, class starling.textures.Texture |
| Writes the given texture coordinates to a VertexData instance after transforming
them into the root texture's coordinate system. |
setTo(batchID:int, vertexID:int, indexID:int) — method, class starling.rendering.BatchToken |
| Changes all properties at once. |
setTo(font:String, size:Number, color:uint, horizontalAlign:String, verticalAlign:String) — method, class starling.text.TextFormat |
| Sets the most common properties at once. |
setTo(vertexID:int, numVertices:int, indexID:int, numIndices:int) — method, class starling.utils.MeshSubset |
| Changes all properties at once. |
setTo(left:Number, right:Number, top:Number, bottom:Number) — method, class starling.utils.Padding |
| Sets all four values at once. |
setUnsignedInt(vertexID:int, attrName:String, value:uint) — method, class starling.rendering.VertexData |
| Writes an unsigned integer value to the specified vertex and attribute. |
setupBasic() — method, class starling.styles.DistanceFieldStyle |
| Restores basic render mode, i.e. |
setupDropShadow(blur:Number, offsetX:Number, offsetY:Number, color:uint, alpha:Number) — method, class starling.styles.DistanceFieldStyle |
| Sets up shadow rendering mode. |
setupGlow(blur:Number, color:uint, alpha:Number) — method, class starling.styles.DistanceFieldStyle |
| Sets up glow rendering mode. |
setupOutline(width:Number, color:uint, alpha:Number) — method, class starling.styles.DistanceFieldStyle |
| Sets up outline rendering mode. |
setupTextureCoordinates(vertexData:starling.rendering:VertexData, vertexID:int, attrName:String) — method, class starling.textures.Texture |
| Sets up a VertexData instance with the correct texture coordinates for
4 vertices so that the texture is mapped to the complete quad. |
setupVertexPositions(vertexData:starling.rendering:VertexData, vertexID:int, attrName:String, bounds:flash.geom:Rectangle) — method, class starling.textures.Texture |
| Sets up a VertexData instance with the correct positions for 4 vertices so that
the texture can be mapped onto it unscaled. |
setupVertices() — method, class starling.display.Quad |
| Sets up vertex- and index-data according to the current settings. |
setVertex(index:int, x:Number, y:Number) — method, class starling.geom.Polygon |
| Moves a given vertex to a certain position or adds a new vertex at the end. |
setVertexAlpha(vertexID:int, alpha:Number) — method, class starling.display.Mesh |
| Sets the alpha value of the vertex at the specified index to a certain value. |
setVertexAlpha(vertexID:int, alpha:Number) — method, class starling.styles.MeshStyle |
| Sets the alpha value of the vertex at the specified index to a certain value. |
setVertexBufferAt(index:int, buffer:flash.display3D:VertexBuffer3D, attrName:String) — method, class starling.rendering.VertexDataFormat |
| Specifies which vertex data attribute corresponds to a single vertex shader
program input. |
setVertexColor(vertexID:int, color:uint) — method, class starling.display.Mesh |
| Sets the RGB color of the vertex at the specified index to a certain value. |
setVertexColor(vertexID:int, color:uint) — method, class starling.styles.MeshStyle |
| Sets the RGB color of the vertex at the specified index to a certain value. |
setVertexDataChanged() — method, class starling.display.Mesh |
| This method is called whenever the mesh's vertex data was changed. |
setVertexDataChanged() — method, class starling.display.MeshBatch |
| This method must be called whenever the mesh's vertex data was changed. |
setVertexDataChanged() — method, class starling.styles.MeshStyle |
| Call this method when the vertex data changed. |
setVertexPosition(vertexID:int, x:Number, y:Number) — method, class starling.display.Mesh |
| |
setVertexPosition(vertexID:int, x:Number, y:Number) — method, class starling.styles.MeshStyle |
| |
shadowOffsetX — Property, class starling.styles.DistanceFieldStyle |
| The x-offset of the shadow in points. |
shadowOffsetY — Property, class starling.styles.DistanceFieldStyle |
| The y-offset of the shadow in points. |
shareContext — Property, class starling.core.Starling |
| Indicates if another Starling instance (or another Stage3D framework altogether)
uses the same render context. |
shareContext — Property, class starling.rendering.Painter |
| Indicates if another Starling instance (or another Stage3D framework altogether)
uses the same render context. |
sharedData — Property, class starling.rendering.Painter |
| A dictionary that can be used to save custom data related to the render context. |
shiftKey — Property, class starling.events.KeyboardEvent |
| Indicates whether the Shift key modifier is active (true) or inactive (false). |
shiftKey — Property, class starling.events.TouchEvent |
| Indicates if the shift key was pressed when the event occurred. |
SHOW_ALL — Constant Static Property, class starling.utils.ScaleMode |
| Specifies that the entire rectangle will be scaled to fit into the specified
area, while maintaining the original aspect ratio. |
showStats — Property, class starling.core.Starling |
| Indicates if a small statistics box (with FPS, memory usage and draw count) is
displayed. |
showStatsAt(horizontalAlign:String, verticalAlign:String, scale:Number) — method, class starling.core.Starling |
| Displays the statistics box at a certain position. |
SILVER — Constant Static Property, class starling.utils.Color |
| |
simulateMultitouch — Property, class starling.core.Starling |
| Indicates if multitouch simulation with "Shift" and "Ctrl"/"Cmd"-keys is enabled. |
simulateMultitouch — Property, class starling.events.TouchProcessor |
| Indicates if multitouch simulation should be activated. |
size — Property, class starling.rendering.VertexData |
| The size (in bytes) of the raw vertex data. |
size — Property, class starling.text.BitmapFont |
| The native size of the font. |
size — Property, class starling.text.TextFormat |
| The size of the font. |
sizeIn32Bits — Property, class starling.rendering.VertexData |
| The size (in 32 bit units) of the raw vertex data. |
skew(matrix:flash.geom:Matrix, skewX:Number, skewY:Number) — Static Method , class starling.utils.MatrixUtil |
| Appends a skew transformation to a matrix (angles in radians). |
skewX — Property, class starling.display.DisplayObject |
| The horizontal skew angle in radians. |
skewY — Property, class starling.display.DisplayObject |
| The vertical skew angle in radians. |
skipUnchangedFrames — Property, class starling.core.Starling |
| When enabled, Starling will skip rendering the stage if it hasn't changed since the
last frame. |
smoothing — Property, class starling.text.BitmapFont |
| The smoothing filter that is used for the texture. |
snapToPixels(matrix:flash.geom:Matrix, pixelSize:Number) — Static Method , class starling.utils.MatrixUtil |
| Updates the given matrix so that it points exactly to pixel boundaries. |
softness — Property, class starling.styles.DistanceFieldStyle |
| Indicates how soft the transition between inside and outside should be rendered. |
sortChildren(compareFunction:Function) — method, class starling.display.DisplayObjectContainer |
| Sorts the children according to a given function (that works just like the sort function
of the Vector class). |
soundTransform — Property, class starling.display.MovieClip |
| The SoundTransform object used for playback of all frame sounds. |
sourceFactor — Property, class starling.display.BlendMode |
| The source blend factor of this blend mode. |
Sprite — class, package starling.display |
| A Sprite is the most lightweight, non-abstract container class. |
Sprite() — Constructor, class starling.display.Sprite |
| Creates an empty sprite. |
Sprite3D — class, package starling.display |
| A container that allows you to position objects in three-dimensional space. |
Sprite3D() — Constructor, class starling.display.Sprite3D |
| Creates an empty Sprite3D. |
stage — Property, class starling.core.Starling |
| The Starling stage object, which is the root of the display tree that is rendered. |
stage — Property, class starling.display.DisplayObject |
| The stage the display object is connected to, or null if it is not connected
to the stage. |
stage — Property, class starling.events.TouchProcessor |
| The stage object to which the touch events are (per default) dispatched. |
Stage — class, package starling.display |
| A Stage represents the root of the display tree. |
stage3D — Property, class starling.core.Starling |
| The Flash Stage3D object Starling renders into. |
stage3D — Property, class starling.rendering.Painter |
| The Stage3D instance this painter renders into. |
stageHeight — Property, class starling.display.Stage |
| The height of the stage coordinate system. |
stageWidth — Property, class starling.display.Stage |
| The width of the stage coordinate system. |
starling — Property, class starling.display.Stage |
| The Starling instance this stage belongs to. |
Starling — class, package starling.core |
| The Starling class represents the core of the Starling framework. |
Starling(rootClass:Class, stage:flash.display:Stage, viewPort:flash.geom:Rectangle, stage3D:flash.display:Stage3D, renderMode:String, profile:Object) — Constructor, class starling.core.Starling |
| Creates a new Starling instance. |
starling.animation — package |
| The components of Starlings animation system. |
starling.core — package |
| Contains the core component of the framework. |
starling.display — package |
| The main classes from which to build anything that is displayed on the screen. |
starling.errors — package |
| A set of commonly used error classes. |
starling.events — package |
| A simplified version of Flash's DOM event model, including an alternative EventDispatcher base class. |
starling.filters — package |
| Post processing filters for special effects. |
starling.geom — package |
| Geometry classes that expand on what the corresponding Flash package has to offer. |
starling.rendering — package |
| All things related to Stage3D rendering. |
starling.styles — package |
| Styles completely modify the way a mesh is rendered and batched. |
starling.text — package |
| Classes for working with text fields and bitmap fonts. |
starling.textures — package |
| Classes to create and work with GPU texture data. |
starling.utils — package |
| Utility classes and helper methods. |
start() — method, class starling.core.Starling |
| As soon as Starling is started, it will queue input events (keyboard/mouse/touch);
furthermore, the method nextFrame will be called once per Flash Player
frame. |
state — Property, class starling.display.Button |
| The current state of the button. |
state — Property, class starling.rendering.Painter |
| The current render state, containing some of the context settings, projection- and
modelview-matrix, etc. |
STATIONARY — Constant Static Property, class starling.events.TouchPhase |
| The finger or mouse (with pressed button) has not moved since the last frame. |
STD_VERTEX_SHADER — Constant Static Property, class starling.rendering.FilterEffect |
| The AGAL code for the standard vertex shader that most filters will use. |
stencilReferenceValue — Property, class starling.rendering.Painter |
| The current stencil reference value of the active render target. |
stop(suspendRendering:Boolean) — method, class starling.core.Starling |
| Stops all logic and input processing, effectively freezing the app in its current state. |
stop() — method, class starling.display.MovieClip |
| Stops playback, resetting "currentFrame" to zero. |
stopImmediatePropagation() — method, class starling.events.Event |
| Prevents any other listeners from receiving the event. |
stopPropagation() — method, class starling.events.Event |
| Prevents listeners at the next bubble stage from receiving the event. |
stopWithFatalError(message:String) — method, class starling.core.Starling |
| Stops Starling right away and displays an error message on the native overlay. |
StringUtil — class, package starling.utils |
| A utility class with methods related to the String class. |
style — Property, class starling.display.Button |
| The style that is used to render the Button. |
style — Property, class starling.display.Mesh |
| The style that is used to render the mesh. |
style — Property, class starling.text.TextField |
| The style that is used to render the text's mesh. |
SubTexture — class, package starling.textures |
| A SubTexture represents a section of another texture. |
SubTexture(parent:starling.textures:Texture, region:flash.geom:Rectangle, ownsParent:Boolean, frame:flash.geom:Rectangle, rotated:Boolean, scaleModifier:Number) — Constructor, class starling.textures.SubTexture |
| Creates a new SubTexture containing the specified region of a parent texture. |
supportHighResolutions — Property, class starling.core.Starling |
| Indicates that if the device supports HiDPI screens Starling will attempt to allocate
a larger back buffer than indicated via the viewPort size. |
supportsDepthAndStencil — Static Property, class starling.utils.SystemUtil |
| Returns the value of the 'initialWindow.depthAndStencil' node of the application
descriptor, if this in an AIR app; otherwise always true. |
supportsVideoTexture — Static Property, class starling.utils.SystemUtil |
| Indicates if Context3D supports video textures. |
swapChildren(child1:starling.display:DisplayObject, child2:starling.display:DisplayObject) — method, class starling.display.DisplayObjectContainer |
| Swaps the indexes of two children. |
swapChildrenAt(index1:int, index2:int) — method, class starling.display.DisplayObjectContainer |
| Swaps the indexes of two children. |
SystemUtil — class, package starling.utils |
| A utility class with methods related to the current platform and runtime. |
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