Package | starling.rendering |
Class | public class RenderState |
Inheritance | RenderState ![]() |
Starling's Painter instance stores a reference to the current RenderState. Via a stack mechanism, you can always save a specific state and restore it later. That makes it easy to write rendering code that doesn't have any side effects.
Beware that any context-related settings are not applied on the context
right away, but only after calling painter.prepareToDraw()
However, the Painter recognizes changes to those settings and will finish the current
batch right away if necessary.
On rendering, Starling traverses the display tree, constantly moving from one coordinate system to the next. Each display object stores its vertex coordinates in its local coordinate system; on rendering, they must be moved to a global, 2D coordinate space (the so-called "clip-space"). To handle these calculations, the RenderState contains a set of matrices.
By multiplying vertex coordinates with the modelviewMatrix
, you'll get the
coordinates in "screen-space", or in other words: in stage coordinates. (Optionally,
there's also a 3D version of this matrix. It comes into play when you're working with
By feeding the result of the previous transformation into the
, you'll end up with so-called "clipping coordinates",
which are in the range [-1, 1]
(just as needed by the graphics pipeline).
If you've got vertices in the 3D space, this matrix will also execute a perspective
Finally, there's the mvpMatrix
, which is short for
"modelviewProjectionMatrix". This is simply a combination of modelview-
, combining the effects of both. Pass this matrix
to the vertex shader and all your vertices will automatically end up at the right
See also
Property | Defined By | ||
alpha : Number The current, cumulated alpha value. | RenderState | ||
blendMode : String The blend mode to be used on rendering. | RenderState | ||
clipRect : Rectangle The clipping rectangle can be used to limit rendering in the current render target to
a certain area. | RenderState | ||
culling : String Sets the triangle culling mode. | RenderState | ||
depthMask : Boolean Enables or disables depth buffer writes. | RenderState | ||
depthTest : String Sets type of comparison used for depth testing. | RenderState | ||
is3D : Boolean [read-only] Indicates if there have been any 3D transformations. | RenderState | ||
modelviewMatrix : Matrix Returns the current 2D modelview matrix. | RenderState | ||
modelviewMatrix3D : Matrix3D Returns the current 3D modelview matrix, if there have been 3D transformations. | RenderState | ||
mvpMatrix3D : Matrix3D [read-only] Calculates the product of modelview and projection matrix and stores it in a 3D matrix. | RenderState | ||
onDrawRequired : Function | RenderState | ||
projectionMatrix3D : Matrix3D Returns the current projection matrix. | RenderState | ||
renderTarget : Texture The texture that is currently being rendered into, or null
to render into the back buffer. | RenderState | ||
renderTargetAntiAlias : int [read-only] The anti-alias setting used when setting the current render target
via setRenderTarget. | RenderState | ||
renderTargetSupportsDepthAndStencil : Boolean [read-only] Indicates if the render target (set via setRenderTarget)
has its depth and stencil buffers enabled. | RenderState |
Method | Defined By | ||
Creates a new render state with the default settings. | RenderState | ||
copyFrom(renderState:RenderState):void Duplicates all properties of another instance on the current instance. | RenderState | ||
reset():void Resets the RenderState to the default settings. | RenderState | ||
Changes the modelview matrices (2D and, if available, 3D) to identity matrices. | RenderState | ||
setProjectionMatrix(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number, stageWidth:Number = 0, stageHeight:Number = 0, cameraPos:Vector3D = null):void Creates a perspective projection matrix suitable for 2D and 3D rendering. | RenderState | ||
setProjectionMatrixChanged():void This method needs to be called whenever projectionMatrix3D was changed
other than via setProjectionMatrix. | RenderState | ||
setRenderTarget(target:Texture, enableDepthAndStencil:Boolean = true, antiAlias:int = 0):void Changes the the current render target. | RenderState | ||
transformModelviewMatrix(matrix:Matrix):void Prepends the given matrix to the 2D modelview matrix. | RenderState | ||
transformModelviewMatrix3D(matrix:Matrix3D):void Prepends the given matrix to the 3D modelview matrix. | RenderState |
alpha | property |
The current, cumulated alpha value. Beware that, in a standard 'render' method, this already includes the current object! The value is the product of current object's alpha value and all its parents.
The default value is 1.0
public function get alpha():Number
public function set alpha(value:Number):void
blendMode | property |
The blend mode to be used on rendering. A value of "auto" is ignored, since it means that the mode should remain unchanged.
The default value is BlendMode.NORMAL
public function get blendMode():String
public function set blendMode(value:String):void
See also
clipRect | property |
The clipping rectangle can be used to limit rendering in the current render target to
a certain area. This method expects the rectangle in stage coordinates. To prevent
any clipping, assign null
The default value is null
public function get clipRect():Rectangle
public function set clipRect(value:Rectangle):void
culling | property |
Sets the triangle culling mode. Allows to exclude triangles from rendering based on their orientation relative to the view plane.
The default value is Context3DTriangleFace.NONE
public function get culling():String
public function set culling(value:String):void
depthMask | property |
Enables or disables depth buffer writes.
The default value is false
public function get depthMask():Boolean
public function set depthMask(value:Boolean):void
depthTest | property |
Sets type of comparison used for depth testing.
The default value is Context3DCompareMode.ALWAYS
public function get depthTest():String
public function set depthTest(value:String):void
is3D | property |
[read-only] Indicates if there have been any 3D transformations.
Returns true
if the 3D modelview matrix contains a value.
public function get is3D():Boolean
modelviewMatrix | property |
Returns the current 2D modelview matrix. CAUTION: Use with care! Each call returns the same instance.
The default value is identity matrix
public function get modelviewMatrix():Matrix
public function set modelviewMatrix(value:Matrix):void
modelviewMatrix3D | property |
Returns the current 3D modelview matrix, if there have been 3D transformations. CAUTION: Use with care! Each call returns the same instance.
The default value is null
public function get modelviewMatrix3D():Matrix3D
public function set modelviewMatrix3D(value:Matrix3D):void
mvpMatrix3D | property |
[read-only] Calculates the product of modelview and projection matrix and stores it in a 3D matrix. CAUTION: Use with care! Each call returns the same instance.
public function get mvpMatrix3D():Matrix3D
onDrawRequired | property |
public function get onDrawRequired():Function
public function set onDrawRequired(value:Function):void
projectionMatrix3D | property |
Returns the current projection matrix. You can use the method 'setProjectionMatrix3D'
to set it up in an intuitive way.
CAUTION: Use with care! Each call returns the same instance. If you modify the matrix
in place, you have to call setProjectionMatrixChanged
The default value is identity matrix
public function get projectionMatrix3D():Matrix3D
public function set projectionMatrix3D(value:Matrix3D):void
renderTarget | property |
The texture that is currently being rendered into, or null
to render into the back buffer. On assignment, calls setRenderTarget
with its default parameters.
public function get renderTarget():Texture
public function set renderTarget(value:Texture):void
renderTargetAntiAlias | property |
[read-only] The anti-alias setting used when setting the current render target
via setRenderTarget
public function get renderTargetAntiAlias():int
renderTargetSupportsDepthAndStencil | property |
[read-only] Indicates if the render target (set via setRenderTarget
has its depth and stencil buffers enabled.
public function get renderTargetSupportsDepthAndStencil():Boolean
RenderState | () | Constructor |
public function RenderState()
Creates a new render state with the default settings.
copyFrom | () | method |
public function copyFrom(renderState:RenderState):void
Duplicates all properties of another instance on the current instance.
renderState:RenderState |
reset | () | method |
public function reset():void
Resets the RenderState to the default settings. (Check each property documentation for its default value.)
setModelviewMatricesToIdentity | () | method |
public function setModelviewMatricesToIdentity():void
Changes the modelview matrices (2D and, if available, 3D) to identity matrices. An object transformed an identity matrix performs no transformation.
setProjectionMatrix | () | method |
public function setProjectionMatrix(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number, stageWidth:Number = 0, stageHeight:Number = 0, cameraPos:Vector3D = null):void
Creates a perspective projection matrix suitable for 2D and 3D rendering.
The first 4 parameters define which area of the stage you want to view (the camera will 'zoom' to exactly this region). The final 3 parameters determine the perspective in which you're looking at the stage.
The stage is always on the rectangle that is spawned up between x- and y-axis (with the given size). All objects that are exactly on that rectangle (z equals zero) will be rendered in their true size, without any distortion.
If you pass only the first 4 parameters, the camera will be set up above the center of the stage, with a field of view of 1.0 rad.
x:Number | |
y:Number | |
width:Number | |
height:Number | |
stageWidth:Number (default = 0 )
| |
stageHeight:Number (default = 0 )
| |
cameraPos:Vector3D (default = null )
setProjectionMatrixChanged | () | method |
public function setProjectionMatrixChanged():void
This method needs to be called whenever projectionMatrix3D
was changed
other than via setProjectionMatrix
setRenderTarget | () | method |
public function setRenderTarget(target:Texture, enableDepthAndStencil:Boolean = true, antiAlias:int = 0):void
Changes the the current render target.
target:Texture — Either a texture or null to render into the back buffer.
| |
enableDepthAndStencil:Boolean (default = true ) — Indicates if depth and stencil testing will be available.
This parameter affects only texture targets.
| |
antiAlias:int (default = 0 ) — The anti-aliasing quality (range: 0 - 4 ).
This parameter affects only texture targets. Note that at the time
of this writing, AIR supports anti-aliasing only on Desktop.
transformModelviewMatrix | () | method |
public function transformModelviewMatrix(matrix:Matrix):void
Prepends the given matrix to the 2D modelview matrix.
matrix:Matrix |
transformModelviewMatrix3D | () | method |
public function transformModelviewMatrix3D(matrix:Matrix3D):void
Prepends the given matrix to the 3D modelview matrix. The current contents of the 2D modelview matrix is stored in the 3D modelview matrix before doing so; the 2D modelview matrix is then reset to the identity matrix.
matrix:Matrix3D |