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fadeTo(alpha:Number) — method, class starling.animation.Tween
Animates the 'alpha' property of an object to a certain target value.
fatalError — Event, class starling.core.Starling
Dispatched when a fatal error is encountered.
FATAL_ERROR — Constant Static Property, class starling.events.Event
Event type that is dispatched by the Starling instance when it encounters a problem from which it cannot recover, e.g.
fieldOfView — Property, class starling.display.Stage
Specifies an angle (radian, between zero and PI) for the field of view.
fillMeshBatch(meshBatch:starling.display:MeshBatch, width:Number, height:Number, text:String, format:starling.text:TextFormat, options:starling.text:TextOptions) — method, class starling.text.BitmapFont
Draws text into a QuadBatch.
fillMeshBatch(meshBatch:starling.display:MeshBatch, width:Number, height:Number, text:String, format:starling.text:TextFormat, options:starling.text:TextOptions) — method, interface starling.text.ITextCompositor
Draws the given text into a MeshBatch, using the supplied format and options.
fillMeshBatch(meshBatch:starling.display:MeshBatch, width:Number, height:Number, text:String, format:starling.text:TextFormat, options:starling.text:TextOptions) — method, class starling.text.TrueTypeCompositor
Draws the given text into a MeshBatch, using the supplied format and options.
fillToken(token:starling.rendering:BatchToken) — method, class starling.rendering.Painter
Updates all properties of the given token so that it describes the current position within the render cache.
filter — Property, class starling.display.DisplayObject
The filter that is attached to the display object.
FilterChain — class, package starling.filters
The FilterChain allows you to combine several filters into one.
FilterChain(... rest) — Constructor, class starling.filters.FilterChain
Creates a new chain with the given filters.
FilterEffect — class, package starling.rendering
An effect drawing a mesh of textured vertices.
FilterEffect() — Constructor, class starling.rendering.FilterEffect
Creates a new FilterEffect instance.
finishFrame() — method, class starling.rendering.Painter
Completes all unfinished batches, cleanup procedures.
finishMeshBatch() — method, class starling.rendering.Painter
Finishes the current mesh batch and prepares the next one.
fit(rectangle:flash.geom:Rectangle, into:flash.geom:Rectangle, scaleMode:String, pixelPerfect:Boolean, out:flash.geom:Rectangle) — Static Method , class starling.utils.RectangleUtil
Calculates a rectangle with the same aspect ratio as the given 'rectangle', centered within 'into'.
focalLength — Property, class starling.display.Stage
The distance between the stage and the camera.
font — Property, class starling.text.TextFormat
The name of the font.
forcePotTexture — Property, class starling.textures.TextureOptions
Indicates if the underlying Stage3D texture should be created as the power-of-two based Texture class instead of the more memory efficient RectangleTexture.
forcePotTextures — Property, class starling.utils.AssetManager
Indicates if the underlying Stage3D textures should be created as the power-of-two based Texture class instead of the more memory efficient RectangleTexture.
format — Property, class starling.rendering.VertexData
The format that describes the attributes of each vertex.
format — Property, class starling.text.TextField
The format describes how the text will be rendered, describing the font name and size, color, alignment, etc.
format — Property, class starling.textures.AtfData
The texture format.
format — Property, class starling.textures.ConcreteTexture
The Context3DTextureFormat of the underlying texture data.
format — Property, class starling.textures.SubTexture
The Context3DTextureFormat of the underlying texture data.
format — Property, class starling.textures.Texture
The Context3DTextureFormat of the underlying texture data.
format — Property, class starling.textures.TextureOptions
The Context3DTextureFormat of the underlying texture data.
format(format:String, ... rest) — Static Method , class starling.utils.StringUtil
Formats a String in .Net-style, with curly braces ("{0}").
formatString — Property, class starling.rendering.VertexData
The format string that describes the attributes of each vertex.
formatString — Property, class starling.rendering.VertexDataFormat
Returns the normalized format string.
fps — Property, class starling.display.MovieClip
The default number of frames per second.
FragmentFilter — class, package starling.filters
The FragmentFilter class is the base class for all filter effects in Starling.
FragmentFilter() — Constructor, class starling.filters.FragmentFilter
Creates a new instance.
frame — Property, class starling.textures.SubTexture
The texture frame if it has one (see class description), otherwise null.
frame — Property, class starling.textures.Texture
The texture frame if it has one (see class description), otherwise null.
frameHeight — Property, class starling.textures.Texture
The width of the texture in points, taking into account the frame rectangle (if there is one).
frameID — Property, class starling.core.Starling
The number of frames that have been rendered since this instance was created.
frameID — Property, class starling.rendering.Painter
Returns the index of the current frame if the render cache is enabled; otherwise, returns zero.
frameWidth — Property, class starling.textures.Texture
The height of the texture in points, taking into account the frame rectangle (if there is one).
fromAsset(asset:Object) — Static Method , class starling.assets.AssetType
Figures out the asset type string from the type of the given instance.
fromAtfData(data:flash.utils:ByteArray, scale:Number, useMipMaps:Boolean, async:Function, premultipliedAlpha:Boolean) — Static Method , class starling.textures.Texture
Creates a texture from ATF data (Adobe Texture Compression).
fromBitmap(bitmap:flash.display:Bitmap, generateMipMaps:Boolean, optimizeForRenderToTexture:Boolean, scale:Number, format:String, forcePotTexture:Boolean, async:Function) — Static Method , class starling.textures.Texture
Creates a texture object from a bitmap.
fromBitmapData(data:flash.display:BitmapData, generateMipMaps:Boolean, optimizeForRenderToTexture:Boolean, scale:Number, format:String, forcePotTexture:Boolean, async:Function) — Static Method , class starling.textures.Texture
Creates a texture object from bitmap data.
fromCamera(camera:flash.media:Camera, scale:Number, onComplete:Function) — Static Method , class starling.textures.Texture
Creates a video texture from a camera.
fromColor(width:Number, height:Number, color:uint, alpha:Number, optimizeForRenderToTexture:Boolean, scale:Number, format:String, forcePotTexture:Boolean) — Static Method , class starling.textures.Texture
Creates a texture with a certain size and color.
fromData(data:Object, options:starling.textures:TextureOptions) — Static Method , class starling.textures.Texture
Creates a texture from any of the supported data types, using the specified options.
fromEmbeddedAsset(assetClass:Class, mipMapping:Boolean, optimizeForRenderToTexture:Boolean, scale:Number, format:String, forcePotTexture:Boolean) — Static Method , class starling.textures.Texture
Creates a texture object from an embedded asset class.
fromNetStream(stream:flash.net:NetStream, scale:Number, onComplete:Function) — Static Method , class starling.textures.Texture
Creates a video texture from a NetStream.
fromPolygon(polygon:starling.geom:Polygon, style:starling.styles:MeshStyle) — Static Method , class starling.display.Mesh
Creates a mesh from the specified polygon.
fromPool(touchID:int, phase:String, globalX:Number, globalY:Number, pressure:Number, width:Number, height:Number) — Static Method , class starling.events.TouchData
Creates a new TouchData instance with the given properties or returns one from the object pool.
fromSource(vertexShader:String, fragmentShader:String, agalVersion:uint) — Static Method , class starling.rendering.Program
Creates a new Program instance from AGAL assembly language.
fromString(format:String) — Static Method , class starling.rendering.VertexDataFormat
Creates a new VertexDataFormat instance from the given String, or returns one from the cache (if an equivalent String has already been used before).
fromTexture(texture:starling.textures:Texture) — Static Method , class starling.display.Quad
Creates a quad from the given texture.
fromTexture(texture:starling.textures:Texture, region:flash.geom:Rectangle, frame:flash.geom:Rectangle, rotated:Boolean, scaleModifier:Number) — Static Method , class starling.textures.Texture
Creates a texture that contains a region (in pixels) of another texture.
fromTextureBase(base:flash.display3D.textures:TextureBase, width:int, height:int, options:starling.textures:TextureOptions) — Static Method , class starling.textures.Texture
Creates a texture from a TextureBase object.
FUCHSIA — Constant Static Property, class starling.utils.Color
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