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get(modeName:String) — Static Method , class starling.display.BlendMode
Returns the blend mode with the given name.
getAll(out:Array) — Static Method , class starling.display.BlendMode
Returns an array with all currently registered blend modes.
getAlpha(vertexID:int, attrName:String) — method, class starling.rendering.VertexData
Reads the alpha value from the specified vertex and attribute.
getAlpha(color:uint) — Static Method , class starling.utils.Color
Returns the alpha part of an ARGB color (0 - 255).
getAlphaAt(layerID:int) — method, class starling.filters.CompositeFilter
Indicates the alpha value with which the layer is drawn.
getArray() — Static Method , class starling.utils.Pool
Retrieves an Array instance from the pool.
getAsset(type:String, name:String, recursive:Boolean) — method, class starling.assets.AssetManager
Retrieves an asset of the given type, with the given name.
getAssetManager(name:String) — method, class starling.assets.AssetManager
Returns an asset manager with a certain name, or null if it's not found.
getAssetManagerNames(prefix:String, out:Vector$String) — method, class starling.assets.AssetManager
Returns all asset manager names that start with a certain string, sorted alphabetically.
getAssetNames(assetType:String, prefix:String, recursive:Boolean, out:Vector$String) — method, class starling.assets.AssetManager
Retrieves an alphabetically sorted list of all assets that have the given type and start with the given prefix.
getBasenameFromUrl(url:String) — method, class starling.utils.AssetManager
Extracts the base name of a file path or URL, i.e.
getBitmapFont(name:String) — method, class starling.assets.AssetManager
Returns a bitmap font with a certain name, or null if it's not found.
getBitmapFont(name:String) — Static Method , class starling.text.TextField
Returns a registered bitmap font compositor (or null, if no compositor has been registered with that name, or if it's not a bitmap font).
getBitmapFont(name:String) — method, class starling.utils.AssetManager
getBitmapFontNames(prefix:String, out:Vector$String) — method, class starling.assets.AssetManager
Returns all bitmap font names that start with a certain string, sorted alphabetically.
getBitmapFontNames(prefix:String, out:Vector$String) — method, class starling.utils.AssetManager
getBlue(color:uint) — Static Method , class starling.utils.Color
Returns the blue part of an (A)RGB color (0 - 255).
getBounds(targetSpace:starling.display:DisplayObject, out:flash.geom:Rectangle) — method, class starling.display.DisplayObject
Returns a rectangle that completely encloses the object as it appears in another coordinate system.
getBounds(targetSpace:starling.display:DisplayObject, out:flash.geom:Rectangle) — method, class starling.display.DisplayObjectContainer
Returns a rectangle that completely encloses the object as it appears in another coordinate system.
getBounds(targetSpace:starling.display:DisplayObject, out:flash.geom:Rectangle) — method, class starling.display.Mesh
Returns a rectangle that completely encloses the object as it appears in another coordinate system.
getBounds(targetSpace:starling.display:DisplayObject, out:flash.geom:Rectangle) — method, class starling.display.Quad
Returns a rectangle that completely encloses the object as it appears in another coordinate system.
getBounds(attrName:String, matrix:flash.geom:Matrix, vertexID:int, numVertices:int, out:flash.geom:Rectangle) — method, class starling.rendering.VertexData
Calculates the bounds of the 2D vertex positions identified by the given name.
getBounds(targetSpace:starling.display:DisplayObject, out:flash.geom:Rectangle) — method, class starling.text.TextField
Returns a rectangle that completely encloses the object as it appears in another coordinate system.
getBounds(rectangle:flash.geom:Rectangle, matrix:flash.geom:Matrix, out:flash.geom:Rectangle) — Static Method , class starling.utils.RectangleUtil
Calculates the bounds of a rectangle after transforming it by a matrix.
getBoundsProjected(attrName:String, matrix:flash.geom:Matrix3D, camPos:flash.geom:Vector3D, vertexID:int, numVertices:int, out:flash.geom:Rectangle) — method, class starling.rendering.VertexData
Calculates the bounds of the 2D vertex positions identified by the given name, projected into the XY-plane of a certain 3D space as they appear from the given camera position.
getBoundsProjected(rectangle:flash.geom:Rectangle, matrix:flash.geom:Matrix3D, camPos:flash.geom:Vector3D, out:flash.geom:Rectangle) — Static Method , class starling.utils.RectangleUtil
Calculates the bounds of a rectangle projected into the XY-plane of a certain 3D space as they appear from the given camera position.
getByteArray(name:String) — method, class starling.assets.AssetManager
Returns a byte array with a certain name, or null if it's not found.
getByteArray(name:String) — method, class starling.utils.AssetManager
Returns a byte array with a certain name, or null if it's not found.
getByteArrayNames(prefix:String, out:Vector$String) — method, class starling.assets.AssetManager
Returns all byte array names that start with a certain string, sorted alphabetically.
getByteArrayNames(prefix:String, out:Vector$String) — method, class starling.utils.AssetManager
Returns all byte array names that start with a certain string, sorted alphabetically.
getCameraPosition(space:starling.display:DisplayObject, out:flash.geom:Vector3D) — method, class starling.display.Stage
Returns the position of the camera within the local coordinate system of a certain display object.
getChar(charID:int) — method, class starling.text.BitmapFont
Returns a single bitmap char with a certain character ID.
getCharIDs(out:Vector$int) — method, class starling.text.BitmapFont
Returns a vector containing all the character IDs that are contained in this font.
getChildAt(index:int) — method, class starling.display.DisplayObjectContainer
Returns a child object at a certain index.
getChildByName(name:String) — method, class starling.display.DisplayObjectContainer
Returns a child object with a certain name (non-recursively).
getChildIndex(child:starling.display:DisplayObject) — method, class starling.display.DisplayObjectContainer
Returns the index of a child within the container, or "-1" if it is not found.
getColor(vertexID:int, attrName:String) — method, class starling.rendering.VertexData
Reads an RGB color from the specified vertex and attribute (no alpha).
getColorAt(layerID:int) — method, class starling.filters.CompositeFilter
Returns the RGB color with which a layer is tinted when it is being drawn.
getCompositor(fontName:String) — Static Method , class starling.text.TextField
Returns a registered text compositor (or null, if the font has not been registered).
getDefaultMeshStyle(previousStyle:starling.styles:MeshStyle, format:starling.text:TextFormat, options:starling.text:TextOptions) — method, class starling.text.BitmapFont
Creates and/or sets up the default MeshStyle to be used for rendering.
getDefaultMeshStyle(previousStyle:starling.styles:MeshStyle, format:starling.text:TextFormat, options:starling.text:TextOptions) — method, interface starling.text.ITextCompositor
Creates and/or sets up the default MeshStyle to be used for rendering.
getEndValue(property:String) — method, class starling.animation.Tween
The end value a certain property is animated to.
getExtensionFromUrl(url:String) — method, class starling.assets.AssetFactoryHelper
Forwarded to the AssetManager's method with the same name.
getExtensionFromUrl(url:String) — method, class starling.assets.AssetManager
This method is called internally to determine the extension that's passed to the 'AssetFactory' (via the 'AssetReference').
getExtensionFromUrl(url:String) — method, class starling.utils.AssetManager
Extracts the file extension from an URL.
getExtensions(out:Vector$String) — method, class starling.assets.AssetFactory
Returns the file extensions this factory supports.
getFilterAt(index:int) — method, class starling.filters.FilterChain
Returns the filter at a certain index.
getFilterIndex(filter:starling.filters:FragmentFilter) — method, class starling.filters.FilterChain
Returns the index of a filter within the chain, or "-1" if it is not found.
getFloat(vertexID:int, attrName:String) — method, class starling.rendering.VertexData
Reads a float value from the specified vertex and attribute.
getFormat(attrName:String) — method, class starling.rendering.VertexData
Returns the format of a certain vertex attribute, identified by its name.
getFormat(attrName:String) — method, class starling.rendering.VertexDataFormat
Returns the format of a certain vertex attribute, identified by its name.
getFrame(name:String) — method, class starling.textures.TextureAtlas
Returns the frame rectangle of a specific region, or null if that region has no frame.
getFrameAction(frameID:int) — method, class starling.display.MovieClip
Returns the method that is executed at a certain frame.
getFrameDuration(frameID:int) — method, class starling.display.MovieClip
Returns the duration of a certain frame (in seconds).
getFrameSound(frameID:int) — method, class starling.display.MovieClip
Returns the sound of a certain frame.
getFrameTexture(frameID:int) — method, class starling.display.MovieClip
Returns the texture of a certain frame.
getGreen(color:uint) — Static Method , class starling.utils.Color
Returns the green part of an (A)RGB color (0 - 255).
getIndex(mode:String) — Static Method , class starling.filters.CompositeMode
Returns a different integer for each mode.
getIndex(indexID:int) — method, class starling.rendering.IndexData
Reads the index from the specified position.
getInvertAlphaAt(layerID:int) — method, class starling.filters.CompositeFilter
Indicates if the alpha value of the given layer's fragments should be inverted, effectively inverting the layer's silhouette.
getKerning(charID:int) — method, class starling.text.BitmapChar
Retrieve kerning information relative to the given character ID.
getLocation(space:starling.display:DisplayObject, out:flash.geom:Point) — method, class starling.events.Touch
Converts the current location of a touch to the local coordinate system of a display object.
getMatrix(a:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, tx:Number, ty:Number) — Static Method , class starling.utils.Pool
Retrieves a Matrix instance from the pool.
getMatrix3D(identity:Boolean) — Static Method , class starling.utils.Pool
Retrieves a Matrix3D instance from the pool.
getMaxSize(textureFormat:String) — Static Method , class starling.textures.Texture
Returns the maximum size constraint (for both width and height) for normal and RectangleTextures with the given format in the current Context3D profile.
getMimeTypes(out:Vector$String) — method, class starling.assets.AssetFactory
Returns the mime types this factory supports.
getModeAt(layerID:int) — method, class starling.filters.CompositeFilter
The mode with which the layer is drawn.
getMovement(space:starling.display:DisplayObject, out:flash.geom:Point) — method, class starling.events.Touch
Returns the movement of the touch between the current and previous location.
getMovementSinceStart(space:starling.display:DisplayObject, out:flash.geom:Point) — method, class starling.events.Touch
Returns the movement of the touch between the current and the start location.
getName(attrIndex:int) — method, class starling.rendering.VertexDataFormat
Returns the name of the attribute at the given position within the vertex format.
getName(rawAsset:Object) — method, class starling.utils.AssetManager
This method is called by 'enqueue' to determine the name under which an asset will be accessible; override it if you need a custom naming scheme.
getNameFromUrl(url:String) — method, class starling.assets.AssetFactoryHelper
Forwarded to the AssetManager's method with the same name.
getNameFromUrl(url:String) — method, class starling.assets.AssetManager
This method is called internally to determine the name under which an asset will be accessible; override it if you need a custom naming scheme.
getNames(prefix:String, out:Vector$String) — method, class starling.textures.TextureAtlas
Returns all texture names that start with a certain string, sorted alphabetically.
getNextPowerOfTwo(number:Number) — Static Method , class starling.utils.MathUtil
Returns the next power of two that is equal to or bigger than the specified number.
getObject(name:String) — method, class starling.assets.AssetManager
Returns an object with a certain name, or null if it's not found.
getObject(name:String) — method, class starling.utils.AssetManager
Returns an object with a certain name, or null if it's not found.
getObjectNames(prefix:String, out:Vector$String) — method, class starling.assets.AssetManager
Returns all object names that start with a certain string, sorted alphabetically.
getObjectNames(prefix:String, out:Vector$String) — method, class starling.utils.AssetManager
Returns all object names that start with a certain string, sorted alphabetically.
getOffset(attrName:String) — method, class starling.rendering.VertexData
Returns the offset (in bytes) of an attribute within a vertex.
getOffset(attrName:String) — method, class starling.rendering.VertexDataFormat
Returns the offset (in bytes) of an attribute within a vertex.
getOffsetAt(layerID:int, out:flash.geom:Point) — method, class starling.filters.CompositeFilter
Returns the position (in points) at which a certain layer will be drawn.
getOffsetIn32Bits(attrName:String) — method, class starling.rendering.VertexData
Returns the offset (in 32 bit units) of an attribute within a vertex.
getOffsetIn32Bits(attrName:String) — method, class starling.rendering.VertexDataFormat
Returns the offset (in 32 bit units) of an attribute within a vertex.
getPoint(vertexID:int, attrName:String, out:flash.geom:Point) — method, class starling.rendering.VertexData
Reads a Point from the specified vertex and attribute.
getPoint(x:Number, y:Number) — Static Method , class starling.utils.Pool
Retrieves a Point instance from the pool.
getPoint3D(vertexID:int, attrName:String, out:flash.geom:Vector3D) — method, class starling.rendering.VertexData
Reads a Vector3D from the specified vertex and attribute.
getPoint3D(x:Number, y:Number, z:Number) — Static Method , class starling.utils.Pool
Retrieves a Vector3D instance from the pool.
getPoint4D(vertexID:int, attrName:String, out:flash.geom:Vector3D) — method, class starling.rendering.VertexData
Reads a Vector3D from the specified vertex and attribute, including the fourth coordinate ('w').
getPositions(rectangle:flash.geom:Rectangle, out:Vector$flash.geom:Point) — Static Method , class starling.utils.RectangleUtil
Returns a vector containing the positions of the four edges of the given rectangle.
getPreviousLocation(space:starling.display:DisplayObject, out:flash.geom:Point) — method, class starling.events.Touch
Converts the previous location of a touch to the local coordinate system of a display object.
getProgram(name:String) — method, class starling.rendering.Painter
Returns the program registered under a certain name, or null if no program with this name has been registered.
getRectangle(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number) — Static Method , class starling.utils.Pool
Retrieves a Rectangle instance from the pool.
getRed(color:uint) — Static Method , class starling.utils.Color
Returns the red part of an (A)RGB color (0 - 255).
getRegion(name:String) — method, class starling.textures.TextureAtlas
Returns the region rectangle associated with a specific name, or null if no region with that name has been registered.
getReplaceColorAt(layerID:int) — method, class starling.filters.CompositeFilter
Indicates if the color of the given layer is replaced (true) or tinted (false).
getRotation(name:String) — method, class starling.textures.TextureAtlas
If true, the specified region in the atlas is rotated by 90 degrees (clockwise).
getScreenBounds(targetSpace:starling.display:DisplayObject, out:flash.geom:Rectangle) — method, class starling.display.Stage
Returns the bounds of the screen (or application window, on Desktop) relative to a certain coordinate system.
getSize(attrName:String) — method, class starling.rendering.VertexData
Returns the size of a certain vertex attribute in bytes.
getSize(attrName:String) — method, class starling.rendering.VertexDataFormat
Returns the size of a certain vertex attribute in bytes.
getSizeIn32Bits(attrName:String) — method, class starling.rendering.VertexData
Returns the size of a certain vertex attribute in 32 bit units.
getSizeIn32Bits(attrName:String) — method, class starling.rendering.VertexDataFormat
Returns the size of a certain vertex attribute in 32 bit units.
getSound(name:String) — method, class starling.assets.AssetManager
Returns a sound with a certain name, or null if it's not found.
getSound(name:String) — method, class starling.utils.AssetManager
Returns a sound with a certain name, or null if it's not found.
getSoundNames(prefix:String, out:Vector$String) — method, class starling.assets.AssetManager
Returns all sound names that start with a certain string, sorted alphabetically.
getSoundNames(prefix:String, out:Vector$String) — method, class starling.utils.AssetManager
Returns all sound names that start with a certain string, sorted alphabetically.
getStageBounds(targetSpace:starling.display:DisplayObject, out:flash.geom:Rectangle) — method, class starling.display.Stage
Returns the stage bounds (i.e.
getStartLocation(space:starling.display:DisplayObject, out:flash.geom:Point) — method, class starling.events.Touch
Converts the start location of a touch (i.e.
getTexCoords(vertexID:int, out:flash.geom:Point) — method, class starling.display.Mesh
Returns the texture coordinates of the vertex at the specified index.
getTexCoords(vertexID:int, out:flash.geom:Point) — method, class starling.styles.MeshStyle
Returns the texture coordinates of the vertex at the specified index.
getTexCoords(vertexData:starling.rendering:VertexData, vertexID:int, attrName:String, out:flash.geom:Point) — method, class starling.textures.Texture
Reads a pair of texture coordinates from the given VertexData instance and transforms them into the current texture's coordinate system.
getTextBounds(targetSpace:starling.display:DisplayObject, out:flash.geom:Rectangle) — method, class starling.text.TextField
Returns the bounds of the text within the text field in the given coordinate space.
getTexture(name:String) — method, class starling.assets.AssetManager
Returns a texture with a certain name.
getTexture(resolution:Number) — method, interface starling.filters.IFilterHelper
Gets a pass texture from the pool, or creates a new one (cleared and ready to be used as render target).
getTexture(name:String) — method, class starling.textures.TextureAtlas
Retrieves a SubTexture by name.
getTexture(name:String) — method, class starling.utils.AssetManager
Returns a texture with a certain name.
getTextureAtlas(name:String) — method, class starling.assets.AssetManager
Returns a texture atlas with a certain name, or null if it's not found.
getTextureAtlas(name:String) — method, class starling.utils.AssetManager
Returns a texture atlas with a certain name, or null if it's not found.
getTextureAtlasNames(prefix:String, out:Vector$String) — method, class starling.assets.AssetManager
Returns all texture atlas names that start with a certain string, sorted alphabetically.
getTextureAtlasNames(prefix:String, out:Vector$String) — method, class starling.utils.AssetManager
Returns all texture atlas names that start with a certain string, sorted alphabetically.
getTextureLookupFlags(format:String, mipMapping:Boolean, repeat:Boolean, smoothing:String) — Static Method , class starling.utils.RenderUtil
Returns the flags that are required for AGAL texture lookup, including the '<' and '>' delimiters.
getTextureNames(prefix:String, out:Vector$String) — method, class starling.assets.AssetManager
Returns all texture names that start with a certain string, sorted alphabetically.
getTextureNames(prefix:String, out:Vector$String) — method, class starling.utils.AssetManager
Returns all texture names that start with a certain string, sorted alphabetically.
getTextures(prefix:String, out:Vector$starling.textures:Texture) — method, class starling.assets.AssetManager
Returns all textures that start with a certain string, sorted alphabetically (especially useful for "MovieClip").
getTextures(prefix:String, out:Vector$starling.textures:Texture) — method, class starling.textures.TextureAtlas
Returns all textures that start with a certain string, sorted alphabetically (especially useful for "MovieClip").
getTextures(prefix:String, out:Vector$starling.textures:Texture) — method, class starling.utils.AssetManager
Returns all textures that start with a certain string, sorted alphabetically (especially useful for "MovieClip").
getTextureVariantBits(texture:starling.textures:Texture) — Static Method , class starling.utils.RenderUtil
Returns a bit field uniquely describing texture format and premultiplied alpha, so that each required AGAL variant will get its unique ID.
getTouch(target:starling.display:DisplayObject, phase:String, id:int) — method, class starling.events.TouchEvent
Returns a touch that originated over a certain target.
getTouches(target:starling.display:DisplayObject, phase:String, out:Vector$starling.events:Touch) — method, class starling.events.TouchEvent
Returns a list of touches that originated over a certain target.
getTransformationMatrix(targetSpace:starling.display:DisplayObject, out:flash.geom:Matrix) — method, class starling.display.DisplayObject
Creates a matrix that represents the transformation from the local coordinate system to another.
getTransformationMatrix3D(targetSpace:starling.display:DisplayObject, out:flash.geom:Matrix3D) — method, class starling.display.DisplayObject
Creates a matrix that represents the transformation from the local coordinate system to another.
getTransition(name:String) — Static Method , class starling.animation.Transitions
Returns the transition function that was registered under a certain name.
getUnsignedInt(vertexID:int, attrName:String) — method, class starling.rendering.VertexData
Reads an unsigned integer value from the specified vertex and attribute.
getVertex(index:int, out:flash.geom:Point) — method, class starling.geom.Polygon
Returns the coordinates of a certain vertex.
getVertexAlpha(vertexID:int) — method, class starling.display.Mesh
Returns the alpha value of the vertex at the specified index.
getVertexAlpha(vertexID:int) — method, class starling.styles.MeshStyle
Returns the alpha value of the vertex at the specified index.
getVertexColor(vertexID:int) — method, class starling.display.Mesh
Returns the RGB color of the vertex at the specified index.
getVertexColor(vertexID:int) — method, class starling.styles.MeshStyle
Returns the RGB color of the vertex at the specified index.
getVertexPosition(vertexID:int, out:flash.geom:Point) — method, class starling.display.Mesh
The position of the vertex at the specified index, in the mesh's local coordinate system.
getVertexPosition(vertexID:int, out:flash.geom:Point) — method, class starling.styles.MeshStyle
The position of the vertex at the specified index, in the mesh's local coordinate system.
getXml(name:String) — method, class starling.assets.AssetManager
Returns an XML with a certain name, or null if it's not found.
getXml(name:String) — method, class starling.utils.AssetManager
Returns an XML with a certain name, or null if it's not found.
getXmlNames(prefix:String, out:Vector$String) — method, class starling.assets.AssetManager
Returns all XML names that start with a certain string, sorted alphabetically.
getXmlNames(prefix:String, out:Vector$String) — method, class starling.utils.AssetManager
Returns all XML names that start with a certain string, sorted alphabetically.
globalToLocal(globalPoint:flash.geom:Point, out:flash.geom:Point) — method, class starling.display.DisplayObject
Transforms a point from global (stage) coordinates to the local coordinate system.
globalToLocal(u:Number, v:Number, out:flash.geom:Point) — method, class starling.textures.Texture
Transforms the given texture coordinates from the root texture's coordinate system to the local coordinate system.
globalToLocal3D(globalPoint:flash.geom:Point, out:flash.geom:Vector3D) — method, class starling.display.DisplayObject
Transforms a point from global (stage) coordinates to the 3D local coordinate system.
globalX — Property, class starling.events.Touch
The x-position of the touch in stage coordinates.
globalX — Property, class starling.events.TouchData
The x-position of the touch in stage coordinates.
globalY — Property, class starling.events.Touch
The y-position of the touch in stage coordinates.
globalY — Property, class starling.events.TouchData
The y-position of the touch in stage coordinates.
GlowFilter — class, package starling.filters
The GlowFilter class lets you apply a glow effect to display objects.
GlowFilter(color:uint, alpha:Number, blur:Number, quality:Number, inner:Boolean, knockout:Boolean) — Constructor, class starling.filters.GlowFilter
Initializes a new GlowFilter instance with the specified parameters.
GRAY — Constant Static Property, class starling.utils.Color
GREEN — Constant Static Property, class starling.utils.Color
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z